France imposes pension fund hurdle on Morocco residents, accuses them of ‘fraud’ – Middle East Monitor

The French government has posed a new obstacle for Moroccans, as it approves stringent measures regarding pension funds for residents of Moroccan nationality, according to Moroccan press. This unjust action against the Moroccan region’s citizens follows the obstacles in obtaining entry visas to its territory.

French newspaper Le Parisien disclosed that the government plans to merge the Vital (Life) card and the ID card, which will be mandatory for residency lasting nine months in France to benefit from the pension system advantages.

The Accounts Court’s report indicates a need to improve performance. The report reveals that social fraud accounts for six to eight billion Euros annually while the administration struggles to recover just 1.6 billion Euros. Consequently, French Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal is bolstering his tools to “change the scale,” as urged by the court.

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According to Moroccan news website Hespress, Attal has indirectly accused Moroccans and Algerians living in France of “committing fraud”. The French minister stated: “The French government will endeavour to halt fraudulent activities conducted by pensioners living outside of the European Union.” Attal promised to: “Take measures to verify whether these individuals are legally receiving their pensions.”

Citing information provided by Le Parisien as stated by Attal, up to eight billion Euros in social security funds go to residents outside of France, in an apparent reference to Moroccans of French nationality, considering this as: “An obvious act of fraud on the French Treasury.”

Hespress quoted Omar Al-Morabito, a former mayor in France, criticising: “The recent French decision is inaccurate and carries a clear political tint.” He emphasised: “Despite these embezzlements, it would have been possible to adopt different measures, not random and significant decisions that deepen the identity of the dispute with Rabat.”

Referencing Morocco’s lack of response to the visa issue, Al-Morabito noted that the Kingdom’s adoption of a policy of silence towards ongoing French transgressions: “Encourages France to take similar actions.”

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