Hebrew songs in Jerusalem school are ‘Israelisation’ of education, Palestine Education Ministry says – Middle East Monitor

The Palestinian Ministry of Education expressed its rejection of the use of Hebrew songs in an activity held in a Jerusalem elementary school as being in line with the occupation’s policies of Israelising education and destroying the collective nationalist consciousness and Jerusalem’s Palestinian identity.

Al-Ufuq Primary School in Jerusalem (Horizon Elementary Girls School) is affiliated with the Israeli municipality.

The Palestinian ministry said in a statement yesterday that, through such activities, the Israeli authorities are trying to beautify the ugly face of the occupation and legitimise Israeli plans that target the Palestinian curriculum and the sovereignty of Palestinian education in Jerusalem.

The ministry called on parents to take a firm stand regarding this event and to prevent the Israeli authorities from tampering with Palestinian students’ national identity, and from distancing the students from the priorities and concerns of their Palestinian society, priorities which include an independent and fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

READ: New textbook places Jewish identity over democratic values

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