you should read this :
Icchak Kacenelson ‐ Oh, Pain of Mine!
from “The Song of the Murdered Jewish People” (Dos lid funem oysgehargetn yidishn folk)
I am the one who saw it, who watched closely,
When children, wives and husbands, and grey haired elders Like stones and timber torturer flung onto carts
And beaten without pity, abused with atrocious words.
I observed it from behind the window, I saw the murderers gangs ‐
Oh, God, I’ve seen those beating and those beaten, walking to their deaths… And I wrung my hands in shame… in shame and disgrace ‐
With Jewish hands death was inflicted on Jews ‐ helpless Jews!
Traitors who ran across the empty street in shining boots
As if with the swastika on the caps ‐ with David’s shield, furious they went With mouths, wounded by words alien to them, arrogant and savage,
Those who thrown us down the stairs, those who dragged us out of the houses.
Those who broken the doors, violently burst into homes, scoundrels, With a club raised to the blow ‐ to homes taken over by fear.
They beat us, they rushed elders, they rushed youngsters Into the terrified streets. And spat straight into God’s face.
They found us in wardrobes and pulled us from under the beds, And they cursed: “Move, damn it, to Umschlag, there is your place!”
All of us they drove out of apartments, then they searched them long enough, To take the last clothes, a piece of bread and groat.
On the street ‐ madness! Look and get numb, because here A dead street that became one cry and terror ‐
Empty from the end to the end, and full like never before ‐
Carts! And from despair, from shouting, it’s hard to drive them…
In them, Jews! Tearing hair from their heads and wringing hands. Some are silent ‐ their silence is louder even than scream.
They look … Their eyes… Is it reality? Maybe a bad dream and nothing else? With them, the Jewish police ‐ cruel and savage thugs!
And on the side ‐ the German with a slight smile glances at them,
The German stopped at a distance and watches ‐ he doesn’t interfere, He is killing my Jews with Jewish hands!
October 1943