Channel permanently shut down after showing explicit scenes – Middle East Monitor

The Algerian judiciary ruled to permanently shut down a private television channel and sentenced the channel director to three years in prison on charges of broadcasting a sexually explicit scene last November.

The Algerian newspaper Ennahar reported that the misdemeanour court in the Algerian city of Sidi M’hamed issued a three-year prison sentence against the director of Al-Ajwaa TV channel, Zubiri Boushaqour, after broadcasting “offensive” content.

The same court also issued a one-year prison sentence for the channel’s editor-in-chief and one of the channel’s female journalists involved in the case.

The Audiovisual Regulatory Authority (ARAV) decided to shut down the channel permanently following the incident that agitated public opinion in the country.

The government body explained that its decision came after the channel broadcasted scenes that were: “Offensive and contrary to the values of our society and our religion.”

The channel’s management expressed regret and apologised to the Algerian people for the “terrible mistake”.

READ: France to pay reparations to thousands of Algerians and their families

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