Where have you been since 7th. Oct.? Hamas & Gaza are losing this war big time, the same way they lost the previous four. Can you please explain to me how Israel is going to be defeated, while sitting on hundreds of advanced nuclear weapons? I can tell you, that would certainly would be a Kodak moment for all to see. Israel can turn Tehran, Beirut and Gaza into parking lots within minutes. Do you think for one moment that Israel would capitulate to the likes of Iran, Lebanon, or Gaza while sitting on such an arsenal? And don’t refer to the US backing, Israel can do this on their own. One last thing, how backward are these people who you claim can defeat Israel when the US has had nuclear weapons since 1945, that is 80 years ago. Israel has had nuclear weapons since 1967, that is close to 60 years ago. Where have these other people been all of this time when they haven’t yet got one? Please join the reality club and forget this “pie in the sky” stuff.